25 Saint Michael Spiritual Armor Prayer Laminated Holy Card


Saint Micahel Armor Holy Card


25 pack

Laminated Cardstock

4.375″ W x 2.625″ L

This laminated holy card features a beautiful Catholic image on the front with a distinctive gold foil stamping design around the edge. It includes a prayer on the back and crystal-clear laminating for durability.

Prayer on back:

Spiritual Armor Prayer
Adapted from Ephesians 6:10-18

Heavenly Father, we ask You today for Your truth as a belt tight around our waist. We put on the zeal to announce Your good news of peace as shoes for our feet. We put on Your righteousness, O Christ, as our breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet for our head.
Father, we take up faith as a shield, which is able to put out all the fiery darts of the enemy, and the sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word, O Lord.
Father, may the love with which You have loved Jesus be in us, and may Jesus be in us. We ask You for the grace of a servant heart. Amen.


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