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Our Mission Statement

By offering superior products and services, we help Christians follow Jesus and lead intentionally Catholic lives!

Saint Corona Pray For Us was born out of our desire to bring you the best Catholic products for spiritual growth in this unprecedented time. We want to help your family grow in their faith, strengthen their hope, and find healing in God’s love. All of our items are curated to do just that and create intentional Catholic family living.

In this challenging time, it is your spiritual connection with God that will see you through. We feature beautiful statues, sacred art, sterling medals, candles, books, and Bibles to aid your spiritual growth. It is our prayer that we may be a blessing to you and your family!

And now these three remain faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
I Corinthians 13:13


Thornberry Group and its affiliates understand that our planet and all life therein are a gift from God and therefore sacred. We support our brothers and sisters through prayer, charitable giving, and action. We make every effort to protect the planet by reusing packing materials, recycling, and reducing waste.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28

The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world, and those who dwell therein.
Psalm 24:1

Thornberry Group

Born out of 30 years of retail experience and 15 years of e-commerce experience Thornberry Group is dedicated to building up the lives of Catholic and Christian families in their journey with Jesus the Christ.

Saint Corona Pray For US, Thornberry Group, and its affiliates are not directly affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, or any diocese or parish.

We are, however, associated with the Catholic Church through our faith lives.

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