CD: Gregorian Chant Christmas by the Monastic Choir of St Peter’s Abbey, Solesmes, France


  • Gregorian Chant
  • Christmas
  • Benedictine Monks


41 Minutes

Jewel Case

 The musical highlights of the Gregorian Chant Christmas sung under the direction of Solesmes choir director Dom Jean Claire have been digitally remastered. This recording reflects the unmatched authenticity of Gregorian chant by the Monks of Solesmes.

 Perfect for learning chant with the Liber Usualis!

 “The most famous and ‘authentic’ recordings of Gregorian chant for generations have been those made by the Solesmes monks.”

 —The Boston Globe

 Includes Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Offertories, Communions, Responses, Sequences, Hymns, and Tropes from the Midnight Mass and the Mass of the Day.

 Track 1-Introit     Dominus Dixit

Track 2-Gradual     Tecum Principium

Track 3-Alleluia     Dominus Dixit

Track 4-Offertory     Laetentur

Track 5-Communion     In Splendoribus

Track 6-Responsory     Sancta

Track 7-Sequence     Laetabundus

Track 8-Hymn     Christe Redemptor

Track 9-Introit     Puer

Track 10-Ambrosian Gloria

Track 11-Gradual     Viderunt

Track 12-Alleluia     Dies Sanctificatus

Track 13-Offertory     Tui Sunt

Track 14-Communion     Viderunt

Track 15-Hymn     A Solis Ortus

Track 16-Trope     Ecce Nomen

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