CD Christmas The Night Office: Vigils by the Monastic Choir of Solesmes


  • CD Christmas Vigils
  • Gregorian Chant
  • Monks of Solesmes

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CD Christmas Night Office: Vigils
In the beautiful chants of Vigils the monks celebrate the birth of Jesus at the same time of night he was born in Bethlehem.

Track 1-Nicholas Lebegue  Laissez paistre vos bestes (organ)
Track 2-Versicle     Domine, Labia Mea
Invitatory     Christus and Psalm 94
Track 3-Hymn     Candor Aeternae
Track 4-Antiphon     Dominus Dixit and Psalm 2
Track 5-Antiphon     Tamquam Sponsus and Psalm 18a
Track 6-Antiphon     Diffusa Est and Psalm 44
Versicle     Verbum Caro Factum Est
Track 7-Reading from Isaiah 11:1-10
Track 8-Responsory     Hodie Nobis Caelorum Rex
Track 9-Reading from St. Leo the Great
Track 10-Responsory     Hodie Nobis De Caelo
Track 11-Gospel of the Genealogy: Matthew 1:1-16
Track 12-Hymn      Te Deum
Track 13-Collect and Benedicamus Domino
Track 14-J.S. Bach     Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland  (BWV 599) (organ)

“the most famous and ‘authentic’ recordings of Gregorian chant for generations have been those made by the Solesmes monks.”      —The Boston Globe
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