CD The Church Sings Her Saints Volume II by the Monastic Choir of Solesmes


  • CD Christmas Vigils
  • Gregorian Chant
  • Monks of Solesmes

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CD The Church Sings Her Saints Volume II

The second volume of this beautiful collection includes Gregorian Chants from the Liturgy of Bishops, Doctors of the Church, and Saints, with Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Offertories, Communion pieces, Antiphons and Hymns.

For over a century and a half, the Monks of Solesmes have chanted the liturgy of the Church, while at the same time achieving remarkable breakthroughs in musical scholarship.  The clarity, accuracy – and haunting, compelling power – of their sound has no equal.  According to experts, the recordings of the Monks of Solesmes are the purest, most genuine, and finest recordings of Gregorian Chant available anywhere.

Liturgy of Bishops
Track 1-Introit     Statuit
Track 2-Introit     Sacerdotes tui
Track 3-Introit     Sacerdotes eius
Track 4-Gradual     Ecce sacerdos
Track 5-Alleluia     Amavit
Track 6-Offertory     Inveni
Track 7-Offertory     Bonum est
Track 8-Lauds Antiphons
Track 9-Hymn     Iste confessor

Doctors of the Church
Track 10-Introit     In medio
Track 11-Introit     Os justi
Track 12-Introit     Lex Domini
Track 13-Introit     Meditatio
Track 14-Gradual     Venite
Track 15-Alleluia     Spiritus
Track 16-Alleluia     Disposui
Track 17-Offertory     Veritas
Track 18-Communion     Tu mandasti
Track 19-Communion     Quod dico
Track 20-Communion     Qui meditabitur
Track 21-Antiphon      O Doctor
Track 22-Hymn     Aeterne sol

Track 23-Introit     Laetabitur
Track 24-Introit     In virtute tua
Track 25-Gradual     Venite filii
Track 26-Communion     Qui mihi
Track 27-Introit     Laetetur cor
Track 28-Alleluia     Laetabitur
Track 29-Alleluia     Haec est
Track 30-Offertory     In virtute
Track 31-Communion     Narrabo
Track 32-Lauds Antiphons
“the most famous and ‘authentic’ recordings of Gregorian chant for generations have been those made by the Solesmes monks.”      —The Boston Globe

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