Celmentine Vulgate & Challoner Rheims New Testament in Latin and English


  • One Volume
  • Clear Typeface
  • Satin Ribbon Page Marker
  • Burgundy bonded leather cover
  • English column opposite Latin column

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560 Pages

In keeping with the wishes of the  Holy Father, Benedict XVI, this truly unique edition of the Bible in Latin and English has been published. Suitable either for students of theology and the Scriptures, for those studying Latin, or just for Catholics who wish to conduct themselves according to the mind of the Church, this edition brings together two classic versions of the Bible which have served Catholics well, down through the centuries.

Acts of the Apostles – Chapter 27:11-12

11    But the centurion believed the pilot and the master of the ship, more than those things which were said by Paul.
12    And whereas it was not a commodious haven to winter in, the greatest part gave counsel to sail thence, if by any means they might reach Phenice to winter there, which is a haven of Crete, looking towards the southwest and northwest. They weather a great storm.

Actus Apostolurum – Chapter 27:11-12

11    Centurio autem gubernatori et nauclero magis credebat, quam his quæ a Paulo dicebantur.
12    Et cum aptus portus non esset ad hiemandum, plurimi statuerunt consilium navigare inde, si quomodo possent, devenientes Phœnicen hiemare, portum Cretæ respicientem ad Africum et ad Corum. Patiuntur magnam tempestatem.

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