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As we celebrate the Feast of our holy father Saint Benedict

(My Scriptorium’s Patron Saint), I wanted to pause and say, Welcome! Hospitality and being hospitable play a significant role throughout Scripture and Benedict’s Rule for Monastics. From the Lord appearing to Abraham at the trees of Mamre, the Wedding at Cana, to the reliance of Jesus on the generosity of others during his ministry, it is all hospitality.

Saint Peter addressed this dispersed faithful in his first epistle,

“Most of all, love one another deeply. Love erases many sins by forgiving them. Welcome others into your homes without complaining.”

(I Peter 4:8-9, NIV) Profound words on the forgiving power of love and how to welcome people! These are words through which we find life!

Saint Benedict takes it even further when he writes in his Rule,

“All guests who arrive [at the monastery] should be received as Christ… (RB 53:1) He goes on a tumble of things to accomplish with the guests, the community gathers, they pray together, the kiss of peace, humility is shown to the guest by a bow of the head or even a full body prostration. That is hospitality! The monks are welcoming Christ in their guests. “Christ is to be adored in them as it is he who in fact, is being received. (RB 53:7)

And so, we welcome you as Christ in our midst! As many of you have watched, we have redesigned our online store to be more hospitable. The new, simple design reflects your life. We are featuring items of faith for your home, Catholic gifts to share your faith with others, Catholic books to strengthen your faith, and even items for your family’s Sacramental journey. We know that many Catholic Stores have closed during this challenging time,

and we hope to fill that gap by being your “Catholic Store Near Me,” but online.

So, take some time to wander through the store! We have beautiful rosaries from Italy, leatherbound Catholic Classics from England, Traditional Catholic Art from the USA, missals for the Traditional Latin Mass, candles for prayer, and sterling Saint’s medals. We are always sourcing the best items from around the world to inspire you!

I pray that our store will be a blessing in your life and a light for your Catholic faith!

In Christ our light and Saint Benedict our patron,

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