A Companion to the Summa, 4 Volume Set
by Father Walter Farrell, OP
This magnificent set of four books is an exposition and guide to the entire Summa of Saint Thomas Aquinas. It was written by one of the premier Dominican Thomistic scholars who were active in the scholastic revival of the 1930s and 40s. These books contain the entire Summa transposed into modern English prose, thereby making accessible the complete theology of Saint Thomas’s Summa for those who are not trained philosophers.
The composition of these four books matches up perfectly with each of the 614 questions of the Summa. This book is meant to be read alongside the actual Summa to make it more easily understood by the average reader.
Volume One – The Architect of the Universe – 408 pages
Volume Two – The Pursuit of Happiness – 412 pages
Volume Three – The Fullness of Life – 462 pages
Volume Four – The Way of Life – 430 Pages
The Author
Father Farrell’s four-part Companion to the Summa has been responsible for much of the renewed interest in Thomism in the United States. It is required reading for many Catholic college students and “unrequired reading” for thousands of other lovers of St. Thomas.
Its author was born in Chicago in 1902. He attended Dominican schools and was ordained in the Dominican order in 1927, then went to the University of Fribourg for his S.T.D. degree. In 1940 he was awarded the seldom-given Dominican honor of the Master of Sacred Theology degree. He served as a Navy chaplain during World War II and was stationed at the Dominican Houses of Studies in Washington, D. C. and River Forest, Illinois, until he died in 1951.
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